The time for change is now.
We believe in a world where racism doesn’t exist. Our vision is that this learned behaviour is eradicated through a generational change where young people are at the forefront of the action against racism.
We exist to inspire, educate and empower young people to be anti-racism champions in their schools and communities to help stamp out racism. We firmly believe that athletes will be the driving force behind this vision because sports unite us, and it’s the backbone of the Australian community.
Our Guiding Principles.
We understand people are at different stages of their anti-racism education journey, and we strive to meet them where they are and empower them to be better
Our focus for the future is not telling people what to think but, instead, empowering them to make the change they want to see in the world.
Our education for young people will instill the skills and qualities in them that will make them the next generation of change-makers in Australia and the world.
Everything we do (from content to educational programs) is about engagement and inspiring others to be better allies and advocates for anti-racism.
Why This Work Is Needed.
Racism is a major problem in Australia – 20% of people at sporting events have experienced or witnessed racism in Australia (Lowitja). Within schools, the exposure increases to 33% (ANU). The impacts of experiencing racism on young Australians include a lower health score and more mental health issues in their lifetime (Foundation for Young Australians).
Sport is of critical cultural importance to Australia and Australians. National Sporting Organisations (NSOs), Player Associations (PAs), and athletes have an important role to play in promoting cultural harmony and inclusiveness across all levels of their sport - from elite, to community. Whether athletes like it or not, they are role models within the community and play an influential role through action or inaction around social issues. Currently, there is no unified approach to tackling racism that includes a substantive impact model. That changes from now.

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