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Tough Conversations
Having a conversation about racism can be daunting. Australia’s professional soccer players share insights to help you feel more confident in approaching conversations on racism.

Equality or Equity: What’s Our End Game In Sport?
We often hear the words ‘equality’ and ‘equity’ used interchangeably. While the two words are related, they have different meanings. And it’s important to understand these differences to help tackle racism in sport – and beyond.

Systemic Racism
Systemic racism runs deep throughout Australian culture and society – but what does it really mean, and how do we go about creating change?

6 Ways to Respond to Racism
Responding to racist comments or incidents can be challenging for everyone – those who directly experience the racism and others present. Here are six ways to help you respond.

Racism & Mental Health
One in five people living in Australia have experienced racism - with far reaching consequences on health, wellbeing and life. The physical and mental impacts it takes on people are significant and need to be widely understood to drive the eradication of racism.

Courageous Conversations For A Kinder World
Race is one of those topics that often divides people. Maybe you’ve seen this first-hand in the sport you love. Whether it’s rugby, footy, soccer, tennis, netball, basketball – any sport across Australia.

The Colour of My Skin
In Australia, the identities of First Nations people run far deeper than skin colour. But having your identity questioned, because you do not “look like” the outdated stereotype, is a common experience shared by many.

Symbolic Gestures Against Racism
Athletes and sports around the world use symbolic gestures to highlight racial injustice - from taking a knee to dropping the term ‘Australia Day’. Here we take a look at the origin, meaning, and impact of these stands against racism.

Racism on Social Media
Social media can be a place for us to connect, learn and support one another. But things can also get ugly, hateful, and hurtful. It can be a frightening, isolating place to find yourself in or witness, and the consequences can be devastating.

Athletes As Role Models
What is the role for athletes when it comes to racism? In this article we explore how athletes can be a means for change - influencing the next generations and setting examples for everyone else in sport. The role of sport is crucial in helping educate a wide range of people.

It's Just a Joke…
Everyone’s heard a racist joke in their life - have you seen people react differently to them before? Some would say that the intention of the joke wasn’t mean to harm or offend but just some banter. In this article we explore that concept and how jokes impact racism.

Questioning Your Belief System
It can be a hard thing to do, but sometimes questioning the very belief system and values that you were brought up on can provide a perspective that you hadn’t considered before. It’s not about what’s ‘better’ or ‘worse’ - it’s about perspective and understanding.